Spider-Man: Far from Home (Review + Thoughts)

Spider-Man: Far from Home Review

Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever. (IMDB)

I have made it no secret over the last few years how much I love Spider-Man. He’s my favourite superhero; I cried in Infinity War because of him, and I cried twice in Endgame because of him. (Captain America is a close second, to be fair.) I can relate to him, a kid who just wants to do what’s best but ends up royally screwing up every time, a lot more than most MCU characters.

So I loved Far from Home.

I’ve read a lot of reviews dissecting why or why not it was a good thing that Far From Home essentially glossed over the events of Endgame, and while I get why some people are upset, I think it was a good thing. The reason why this incarnation of Spider-Man works is because it doesn’t spend too much time on the heavy stuff. Yeah, Peter has his moments—that wrenching scene in Endgame, for instance, or when he’s struggling to keep fighting in Homecoming—but this Spider-Man works because it balances the sad out with the funny. It needs to be ridiculous, because life is ridiculous. (Also, Endgame was depressing enough.)

The movie managed to find that balance perfectly. Ned was great. The chaperones were great. Hell, even Flash, even though I felt bad for him at the end. Peter Parker got to be sad, but he also got to have fun with his friends, too.

Also, I’m so happy Peter and MJ got together. I love MJ, to be honest. I like her dark personality. As a fan of Buzzfeed Unsolved and crime documentaries, the Black Dahlia necklace he bought her was so cute. And that little happy skip Peter did when he was walking away from her was so good, too. I love him. I just want my favourite characters to be happy.

As for the whole “next Iron Man” thing… I’ll admit, I wasn’t the biggest fan at first. Tony was Tony, and he can’t be replaced. And Peter Parker has always felt like he had big shoes to fill. Even Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man always felt he had to live up to something greater than himself. But this Peter has always tried to be something bigger than himself, even before he joined the Avengers. He always pushed himself to the point of being reckless to try and prove himself. And now, when the person he has to prove himself against is his mentor, that’s… not good.

Thankfully, it turns out Peter never had to be anyone but himself. And while I saw a lot of Tony in him in that Led Zeppelin montage, I’m glad he doesn’t have to be the next Iron Man. He can just be Spidey.

As a villain, Mysterio was interesting. I’ll admit, I’m not as up to date on the Spider-Man lore as I probably should be, so I didn’t quite know from the beginning what was going to happen, but I suspected. He was too nice.

Finally, we have to talk about that end scene (no, not the Fury one). I watched the movie with my friend and her fiancé, and as soon as that scene ended all I could say was “WHAT the [redacted swear word]” over and over again. Apparently this is all in the comics, which I sort of knew, but was NOT EXPECTING. Hence the freakout. I don’t quite know what’s going to happen from here on out, but Mysterio really pulled a reverse Uno card and screwed Peter over royally by outing him as Spidey, and it’ll mean everyone he knows is in danger (and also the world hates him now). Fun. I don’t know whether to look forward to the next movie or not, to be honest.

What did you think of Spider-Man: Far From Home?

I have made it no secret over the last few years how much I love Spider-Man. He’s my favourite superhero; I cried in Infinity War because of him, and I cried twice in Endgame because of him. I can relate to him, a kid who just wants to do what’s best but ends up royally screwing up every time.  So I loved Far from Home.
© Marvel Entertainment, via Collider

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Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with Marvel Entertainment or Spider-Man brand. I do not own any of the base images used in this post.